Tuesday, October 21, 2014

DFC XV Week Eight Results

14 Kansas State 31, 11 Oklahoma 30
7 Alabama 59, 21 Texas A&M 0
12 TCU 42, 15 Oklahoma State 9
LSU 41, Kentucky 3
2 Florida State 31, 5 Notre Dame 27
17 Arizona State 26, 23 Stanford 10
Miami Dolphins 27, Chicago Bears 14
Indianapolis Colts 27, Cincinnat Bengals 0
Washington Redskins 19, Tennessee Titans 17
Denver Broncos 42, San Francisco 49ers 17

His playoff hopes may be barely alive, but Drew "The Grassman" Warren isn't going down in flames just yet... going 8-2, Drew gets the 2nd week of his DFC Career (the first was Week 10 in DFC XII in 2011), pulls himself up to 42 wins--7 away from 49, where he becomes "Bowl Eligible", meaning he ensures himself of a winning record.  Go shawty.  It's your birthday.

Drew narrowly gets past Brad Ashby (2nd) and DMOsborne, who is having a late season surge to the postseason.  Mark Gainey gets 4th, making his bid for the MVP title, and Matt Halpert and James Hawbaker tie up for 5th place.  All are at 8-2, with Tyler Campbell in 7th and Big Eddy in 8th, both also at 8-2.

Rounding out the Top Ten is Matt Latta and Michael Nipp, tying at 7-3 each.

also finishing:
7-3: Hurricane Rhett... Garrett Cheney... Dan Sellers... Mike Beirne... Scott Latta.. Brad Latta... Joey Thornell... Trey Cartledge... Remodeling Clay Shaver... Jonny Osborne... Matthew Pinkerton... Eddy Jr... Drew Morris... Tim Wasyluka... Jenifer Ernst... Tom Johnson... Randy Latta... Mitchell Pinkerton... Sarah Hasha... Tommy McLeod
6-4: Zach Graves... Bronson Kilgore... Justin Glenn... Lori Beirne... Steven Ray... Bradley Pinkerton... Chris Croyle
5-5: Daniel Powell... Yours Truly... Mark Warner... Justin Harrison...
3-7: Tad Roose
2-8: Jacob Pinkerton


North Division W-L TB Coll Pro
Zack Graves 50-28 10.857 30-18 20-10
Matt Halpert 49-29 10.429 31-17 18-12
Rhett Barnett 48-30 11.857 30-18 18-12
DM Osborne 46-32 12.429 28-20 18-12
Joey Thornell 45-33 11.429 26-22 19-11
Drew Warren 40-38 7.571 25-23 15-15
Matt Latta 40-38 10.857 25-23 15-15
MidCentral Division        
Tommy McLeod 49-29 8.286 30-18 19-11
Brad Latta 49-29 8.857 31-17 18-12
Justin Glenn 46-32 9.714 28-20 18-12
Bronson Kilgore 46-32 22.286 27-21 19-11
Brad Ashby 45-33 7.286 29-19 16-14
Jennifer Ernst 45-33 9.286 26-22 19-11
Mitchell Pinkerton 43-35 18.14 29-19 14-16
West Division        
Eddy McBroom 50-28 11 31-17 19-11
Trey Cartledge 48-29 10.714 28-20 20-10
Dan Sellers 47-31 9.857 31-17 16-14
Drew Morris 46-32 9.143 28-20 18-12
Tom Johnson 44-34 8.429 28-20 16-14
Bradley Pinkerton 41-37 8.429 27-21 14-16
Sarah Hasha 41-37 10.286 26-22 15-15

1) Zach Graves, 50-28 (10.857)... would win North Division, First Round Bye
2) Eddy McBroom, 50-28 (11.0)... would win West Division, First Round Bye
3) Tommy McLeod, 49-29 (8.286)... would win MidCentral Division, First Round Bye
4) Brad Latta, 49-29 (8.857)... Wild Card
5) Matt Halpert, 49-29 (10.429)... Wild Card
6) Trey Cartledge, 48-29 (10.714)... Wild Card
7) Rhett Barnette, 48-30 (11.857)... Wild Card
8) Dan Sellers, 47-31 (9.857)... Wild Card

On the Bubble/Within Two... Drew Morris, 46-32 (9.143)... DMOsborne, 46-32 (12.429)... Bronson Kilgore, 46-32 (22.286)...

East Division W-L TB Coll Pro
Mark Gainey 52-26 9.714 30-18 22-8
Clay Shaver 51-27 8.286 31-17 20-10
Mike Beirne 48-30 10.14 32-16 16-14
Tyler Campbell 47-31 11.86 29-19 18-12
Chris Croyle 47-31 16.86 29-19 18-12
Yours Truly 45-33 8 27-21 18-12
Justin Harrison 45-33 11.14 25-23 20-10
Garrett Cheney 44-34 18.71 30-18 14-16
Central Division        
Mark Warner 49-29 12.14 29-19 20-10
Lori Beirne 48-30 7.714 30-18 18-12
Jonathan Osborne 48-30 11.71 27-21 21-9
Matthew Pinkerton  47-31 8.714 26-22 21-9
Scott Latta 47-31 9.429 29-19 18-12
Randy Latta 46-32 10.71 28-20 18-12
Steven Ray 45-33 10.14 27-21 18-12
South Division        
Eddy Jr 50-28 8.143 30-18 20-10
Michael Nipp 50-28 8.714 34-14 16-14
James Hawbaker 49-29 9.143 29-19 20-10
Tim Wasyluka 46-32 9.714 31-17 15-15
Daniel Powell 42-36 14.86 29-19 13-17
Tad Roose 41-37 11.57 24-24 17-13
Jacob Pinkerton 36-42 9.571 23-25 13-17

1) Mark Gainey, 52-26 (9.714)... would win East Division, First Round Bye
2) Clay Shaver, 51-27 (8.286)... Wild Card, First Round Bye
3) Eddy McBroom Jr, 50-38 (8.143)... would win South Division, First Round Bye
4) Michael Nipp, 50-38 (8.714)... Wild Card
5) Mark Warner, 49-29 (12.14)... would win Central Division
6) James Hawbaker, 49-29 (9.143)... Wild Card
7) Lori Beirne, 48-30 (7.714)... Wild Card
8) Mike Beirne, 48-30 (10.14)... Wild Card

On the Bubble/Within 2 Games... Jonathan Osborne, 48-30 (11.71)... Matthew Pinkerton, 47-31 (8.714)... Scott Latta, 47-31 (9.429)... Tyler Campbell, 47-31 (11.86)... Chris Croyle, 47-31 (16.86)... Tim Wasyluka, 46-32 (9.714)... Randy Latta, 46-32 (10.71)


  Rank REC TB LW
1 Mark Gainey 52-26 9.714 1
2 Clay Shaver 51-27 8.286 2
3 Eddy Jr 50-28 8.143 5
4 Michael Nipp 50-28 8.714 6
5 Zack Graves 50-28 10.86 3
6 Eddy McBroom 50-28 11.0 10
7 Tommy McLeod 49-29 8.286 7
8 Brad Latta 49-29 8.857 9
9 James Hawbaker 49-29 9.143 11
10 Matt Halpert 49-29 10.43 12
11 Mark Warner 49-29 12.14 4
12 Lori Beirne 48-30 7.714 8
13 Mike Beirne 48-30 10.14 13t
14 Jonathan Osborne 48-30 11.71 15
15 Rhett Barnett 48-30 11.86 NR

dropped out:
Trey Cartledge (t-13)

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