It's our second annual Mid-season report card... where you can find out how you're doing, if you've met the hype or are falling short of everything. :
Last Season's Midseason Report Card:
A+: Justin Glenn
A: David Mark Osborne, Jason Duren
A-: Jonathan Osborne, Tim Wasyluka, Matt Latta, Tommy McLeod
B+: Angie Mark Osborne, Daniel Powell, Ty Coffey
B: Eddy McBroom Jr, Tyler Campbell
B-: Tad Roose, Sarah Hasha
C+: Mark Gainey, Ryan Sherman, Jason Barnette
C: Garrett Cheney, Tebe Shaw, Tom Johnson
C-: Yours Truly, Eddy Mc, Drew Morris
D: Jennifer Ernst
F: Michael Nipp, Willis Watkins
You can read the full DFC VI's report here...
As for this year:
Tad Roose... he's got two DeRamus Plates to his name, and looking for an unprecedented third this season. Caught fire the last few weeks, carrying his 39 week .500 streak with him.
Jennifer Ernst... what a difference a season makes. Not only is she looking for another playoff berth, she's looking for that second division title.
Gary "The Idol" Eubanks... the only reason he didn't get an A+ is we're still determining if its rookie-luck or skill. Remember, Garrett Cheney won 65 in his first year, still missed the playoffs, and has been struggling ever since. Still, though, he's done impressive this year.
Tim Wasyluka... he's been here before. Division titles, low TBAs, impressive win totals. How much before we say the regular season is not enough--win a title?
Jason Barnette... its finally time for someone besides Gina Williams from last year to roll. After finally proving to Tebe he's... well, just better... Barnie can set his sights on a real goal, that being a playoff berth and possibly a championship
also receving an A: Eddy Mc Jr, Mark Gainey, Drew Morris
Daniel Powell... after seasons of on-and-off success, it looks like he might have gotten some consistantcy in his game
Zack Graves... two weeks ago, Zack could have gotten an A+, but took a slight misstep in a division that cannot afford missteps this week.
also receiving a B+: Gina Williams, Matt Latta, Justin Glenn
Jason Turnbow... started strong, but has let the division slightly slip away from him. Now, with the playoffs no longer a foregone conclusion, he's got to play the 2nd half of the season smarter than the last week or so.
Eddy McBroom... it was hard seeing the first playoffs without a McBroom last year, at least since DFC I, so hopefully that will change this go around.
also receiving a B: Tyler Campbell
Yours Truly... while I was depending on late season heroics and a stumble by a playoff contender to get in last year, I'm hoping that won't be an issue. My goal is to finally unseat four-time East Division champ Mark Gainey
also receiving a B-: James Hawbaker, Lori Smith
Michael Nipp... whereas this might seem like a dis, this is much better than the F he received last year. Perhaps he's coming out of his rebuilding year, and might actually make a run for it in the next six weeks.
David Mark Osborne... not doing as well as expected in a division that can be easily won with a few good weeks put together
also receiving C+: Garrett Cheney, Ryan Sherman
Tom Johnson... losing the lead to All Time NFL standings is just one thing not going right with Tom's year... he can't shake Ken Mackey, who's been right there with him all year.
Scott Latta... could last season, which we thought was finally a rise to power, just be a fluke for young Latta? Could he be the Clint to his brother's Ron Howard, or perhaps the Frank to his brother's Sylvester Stallone? Maybe the Don to his brother's Patrick Swayze?
also receiving a C: Mackey, Tommy McLeod
Jonathan Osborne... we expected better
Trey Cartledge... there's potential there, but perhaps not this year.
Tebe Shaw... this would have been much higher had he not shown us what he could accomplish (14-2 in first two weeks) as opposed to what he's done (13-19 since)
Jason Demastus... he's not doing bad. But after all this time, he should be a contender every year.
Ty Coffey... in a division where he could be a contender with some wins here and there, he is still struggling to get to .500
Sarah Hasha... this is where figured all the girls should be. only, she's the only one here.
Jason Duren... Like Jon Osborne, we expected better this year
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