Saturday, November 05, 2005

DFC Ruling / Terrell Owens

So here's the deal. The Philly Eagles suspended Terrell Owens indefinately before tomorrow's game with Washington.

The DFC rule is (and has always been) that all games are locked in as soon as the ball is kicked off for the first game of the weekend. However, if there is an extraordinary circumstance on Sunday's games, a pick may be changed. With the news of the Eagles losing a star player, this is such a circumstance.

I've had two phone calls on this, and after conferring with another member of the DFC Administration and contimplating what to do (this is why I run the DFC for you people), a decision has been made that since the game is tomorrow night, there is ample time for people to read their email and/or the website and determine:

If they picked Philly, do they want to go with Washington, because they lost a star


If they picked Washington, do they want to change to Philly because the loss of Owens might solidfy and unify the team.

Please email or call me with your decision IF you want to change.


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