Thursday, September 02, 2021

The Official DFC XXII Preseason Top 12... and Playoff Predictions

 Here is your official Preseason Top 12...

1. Big Eddy McBroom

2. Mark "The Mighty" Gainey

3. Lil Stevie Ray

4. Tad "The Dynasty" Roose

5. Brad "Lawdawg" Latta

6. Matthew "The Elder" Pinky

7. Yours Truly

8. Drew // Morris

9. Jenni Ersnt

10. James "The Prediction Maker" Hawbaker

11. Jonny Oz

12. Hurricane Rhett Barnett

North Division Champion: Rhett Barnett

MidCentral Champion: Jenny Ernst

West Division: Big Eddy Mac

East Division: Mark Gainey

South Central Division: Lil Stevie Ray

South Division: James "Champion Maker" Hawbaker

The Ray Conference Playoffs, in no particular order:
Hurricane Rhett... Zack "The Attack" Graves... Brad "Lawdawg" Latta... Big Eddy Mc... Drew // Morris... Jenni Ernst

Conference Finals: Big Eddy over Drew // Morris

The Ernst Conference Playoffs, in no particular order:
Mark "The Mighty" Gainey... Yours Truly... Jonny Oz... Steven Ray... Tad Roose... James Hawbaker

Conference Finals:

Jonathan Osborne over Tad Roose

Big Eddy McBroom defeats Jonathan Osborne

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