Thursday, August 20, 2009

DFC X Divisional Lineup

So here's how it was done. I decided to pull back to six divisions this year, from eight, per conference. With eight, that would put 4 people per division in 5 divisions, and if slacker loser dropped out, that would leave 3 people... this way, there is 5 to 6 people per division, so if we lose someone, then its still a solid division.

I use a program called "The Hat", which allows me to enter in division names in one, and then the DFC'ers in the other. The tradition is the participants of the previous year's DeuceBowl get the conferences named after them--hence, The Gainey Conference and The Thornell Conference.

The rivalries I left intact are: Matt Latta & DMOsborne in the Gainey North Division... Jennifer Ernst and Tommy McLeod in the Gainey Central... Big Eddy and Drew Morris in the Gainey West Division... Yours Truly and Mark Gainey in the Thornell East... Scott Latta, Jon Osborne & Lori Beirne in the Thornell Central... and Daniel Powell, Mikey Nipp and Tim Wasyluka in the Thornell South.

The other rules I put in place... Joey Thornell cannot go to the conference with his name on it. When James Hawbaker is selected, Matt Halpert will go to that division as well, setting up another rivalry. The rookies Steven Ray & Rhett Barnett will not be in the same division.

Got all that? Well, here are your DFC X Divisions... each is ranked in the order of predicted season finish

The North Division
Matt Latta
Zack Graves
Jason Turnbow
Rhett Barnett
Chris Croyle

The Central Division
Justin Fisher
Jennifer Ernst
Joey Thornell
Tommy McLeod
Brad Latta
Sarah Hasha

The West Division
Eddy McBroom
Trey Cartledge
Drew Morris
Tad Roose
Tom Johnson
Dan Sellers

The East Division
Mark Gainey
Yours Truly
Ryan Sherman
Gina Roose
Jason Roberts
Tyler Campbell

The Central Division
Scott Latta
Lori Beirne
Jon Osborne
Steven Ray
Jason Duren
Garrett Cheney

The South Division
Matt Halpert
Eddy Jr
James Hawbaker
Tim Wasyluka
Daniel Powell
Michael Nipp

d$'s Pre-season Playoff Predictions
Gainey Conference
Wild Card Weekend... Justin Fisher (3 seed) and Trey Cartledge (4) advance over Zack Graves (6), Drew Morris (5)
Divisional Weekend... Big Eddy (2) and Trey Cartledge (4) advance over Justin Fisher (3) and Matt Latta (1)

Thornell Conference
Wild Card Weekend... Yours Truly (5) and Scott Latta (3) advance over Lori Beirne (4) and Eddy Jr (6)
Divisional Weekend... Mark Gainey (2) and Scott Latta (3) advance over Yours Truly (5) and Matt Halpert (1)

Final Four... Big Eddy over Trey Cartledge, Scott Latta over Mark Gainey

DeuceBowl X... Eddy McBroom beats Scott Latta

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